Client-Based International Projects

Program Benefits

CLIP instructors will receive:

  • Assistance connecting with international clients to customize a global project relevant to your course. While we facilitate connections and provide guidance, we encourage faculty to actively network and identify a flexible project topic that can accommodate a variety of clients
  • Ongoing individual and group support throughout the process of preparing and implementing a global project in the classroom 
  • Access to speakers and materials that will support students’ understanding of the project’s context
  • Inclusion in a network of IUB faculty engaged in global, project-based learning 
  • $3000 for participation in the program


CLIP instructors are expected to:

  • Implement a client-based project in the fall semester of 2025
  • Participate in four meetings with the CLIP cohort between April and December 2025
  • Distribute a participation survey to students to assess their experience
  • Encourage students to present their work at the annual Global Learning Showcase in the spring semester.
  • Share relevant resources that faculty can adapt for other courses, such as student learning outcomes, assignments, rubrics, etc


Open to all full-time academic appointees on any IU Campus who are serving as instructor of record for the relevant class. Graduate students and other part-time instructors are not eligible.


Each participating instructor will receive $3000 in funding to cover expenses related to designing and delivering the course. $2,500 will be disbursed at the time of the award, and the remaining $500 will be provided after the course is completed and a final report is submitted.

Contact information

If you are interested in learning more and participating in the CLIP program, contact Andrea Nikolova, Global Learning Specialist, at