International Development Fellowship

International Development Fellowship

Program Background

The Office of International Development (OID), in partnership with the Office of the Vice President for International Affairs (OVPIA), Office of the Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (OVPDEI), the Office of the Vice President for Student Success (OVPSS), African Studies Program (ASP), the Center for Global Change (CGC), and Randall L. and Deborah F. Tobias Center for Innovation in International Development (Tobias Center), is committed to working with IDF fellows on a case-by-case basis to structure the opportunity as allowed by IU policy in the way that is of most benefit to the individual student’s academic and career goals. Selection of fellows will be merit-based, and determination of final structure of the fellowship will take place after the selection process is complete.


Provide opportunities for IU students, as International Development Fellows (IDFs), to engage with international visitors as well as international development projects managed by the Office of International Development (OID), and thereby expand their perspectives, understanding, and exposure to global situations, cultures, and people.

The International Development Fellowship program aligns with OVPIA’s strategy of Bringing internationalization home; Broadening and increasing participation in internship and service-learning programs; and Increasing participation in exchange programs.

Program Overview

The International Development Fellowship (IDF) will be granted to two IU students with a learning and engagement opportunity, taking place in two workshops on September 18-22 and October 23-27, 2023. This coincides with the time the IU Partnership for Higher Education (PHER) project in Vietnam will host more than 60 visitors (about 30 per workshop) from the Vietnam National University Hanoi (VNUH), the Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City (VNUHCM), and the University of Da Nang (UD). IDFs continue engaging with the visitors and the project team at IU creating more learning and experience-sharing opportunities. They will engage with the project team, actively support project management and leadership activities, and continue to learn from their involvement.

Learning Outcomes

During this experience you will:

  • Enhance your career profiles:
    Make your resume (or CV) and LinkedIn profiles stand out by showcasing valuable practical skills gained as an IDF (communication, cultural competence, diversity, and leadership).
  • Enhance your communication skills:
    You will learn about the communication styles and skills of people from Vietnam and how to effectively engage with them.
  • Enhance your critical thinking and reflection skills:
    Your perspective and core beliefs of people from Vietnam (cultures and backgrounds) will be impacted through this experience.
  • Enhance your intercultural competence:
    As an IDF participant, you will acquire insight of experiences of professionals from Vietnam including their cultures and ways of life. Additionally, you will enhance your own self-awareness.
  • Enhance your leadership skills:
    As an IDF participant you will assist in providing guidance and direction, as well as facilitating discussions on subject matter which you have experience or training in

How to apply

Interested students can apply by August 28, 2023 by submitting an application with the following information:

  • A 1–2-page (double-spaced) personal statement describing self-introduction and the reason to apply for IDF
  • Current resume/CV that includes the student’s current program of study and GPA

The selection committee will reach out for finalists. If you have any questions, contact OID at

Apply for the IDF Program


Fellows who pursue this opportunity as a non-credit-bearing experience will be hired as employees of the university, on an hourly basis for undergraduate and or graduate students. The exact amount of fellow compensation will depend on number of hours worked, but we intend to set an hourly wage for these roles such that a fellow would receive up to $1,000 for the seven-week period (based on the minimum 5-10 hour/week commitment).

Students who participate in the International Development Fellowship program will, at the conclusion of the programming, receive a “Certificate for Recognition/ Participation” signed by OVPIA. IDFs will have valuable opportunities to learn about various universities in Vietnam, directly from the PHER delegation, where they can gain insights into the educational systems, programs, and unique aspects of their participation. This exposure will contribute to their understanding of international higher education and foster cross-cultural learning experiences.

Activities and Deliverables

After the selection, the IDF candidates are expected to engage in the following major activities:

  1. IDF Orientation with OID, ASP, CGC, and Tobias Center (Mid-September 2023) - Orientation will last approximately one hour and include the Dos and Don’ts of IDF participation, a briefing about the PHER program and Vietnam, and expectations for IDFs in terms of learning and reporting.
  2. Virtual Orientation Session (Late September and Late October 2023) - IDFs will participate in the Vietnamese delegation virtual orientation session.
  3. Social Activities (Entirety of workshops) - IDFs will be encouraged to attend sessions according to their personal interests, and/or to spend social time with visitors and share experience of local cultures.
    • Activities include: Participating actively in outdoor activities such as campus tours and field trips, interviews with delegates exchanging culture and experiences, engaging and participating in US society and culture, as well as taking notes, having educational discussions, and supporting other programmatic activities throughout the workshops.
  4. Debriefing Sessions (Bi-weekly and Late October) - IDFs participate in bi-weekly debrief sessions and a final debrief at the end of the Fellowship in late October to provide an opportunity to discuss their overall experience, share feedback on the program, and contribute to its further improvement.
  5. Personal Reflection Report (Early November) - Each IDF submit a Personal Reflection report on their IDF experience, learning as a result of the program, and what impacts from the program they will carry forward into their academic, personal, or career future.