IU Indianapolis administrators
Herron School of Art and Design
Jennifer Lee, jenlee@iu.edu
Honors College
Kristina Sheeler, ksheeler@iu.edu
Kelley School of Business
Julie Magid, jmagid@iu.edu
Lilly Family School of Philanthropy
Una Osili, uosili@iu.edu
Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering
Davide Bolchini, dbolchin@iu.edu
Paul H. O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs
Suzann Lupton, slupton@iu.edu
Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health
Suzanne Babich, smbabich@iu.edu
Robert McKinney School of Law
Lloyd T. Wilson, ltwilson@iu.edu
School of Dentistry
Angeles Martinez Mier, esmartin@iu.edu
School of Education
Jeremy Price, jfprice@iu.edu
School of Health and Human Sciences
Rafael Bahamonde, rbahamon@iu.edu
School of Liberal Arts
Thomas A. Upton, tupton@iu.edu
School of Medicine
Katherine Hiller, kmhiller@iu.edu
School of Nursing
Barbara deRose, bderose@iu.edu
School of Science
Rajeev Raje, rraje@iu.edu
School of Social Work
Carmen Luca Sugawara, clucasug@iu.edu