Lía Juy Albarrán Communications Coordinator, Mexico Gateway Department: Global Gateways Office: Office of the Vice President for International Affairs Phone: Email: lalbarra@iu.edu Website: https://global.iu.edu Campus: All Campuses
Purnima Bose Academic Director, India Gateway Department: Global Gateways Office: Office of the Vice President for International Affairs Phone: 812-855-5334 Email: pbose@indiana.edu Website: https://global.iu.edu Campus: All Campuses
Cathie Carrigan Director, Global Gateway Network Department: Global Gateways Office: Office of the Vice President for International Affairs Phone: +(812) 856 9024 Email: cmcarrig@iu.edu Website: https://global.iu.edu Campus: All Campuses
Shalini Choubey Director of Graduate Recruitment – India Department: Global Gateways Office: Kelley School of Business / Luddy School of Informatics, Computing & Engineering Phone: +91 124 429 0767 Email: schoubey@iu.edu Website: https://global.iu.edu Campus: All Campuses
J. César Félix-Brasdefer Academic Director, Mexico Gateway Department: Global Gateways Office: Office of the Vice President for International Affairs Phone: 812-855-9551 Email: cfelixbr@indiana.edu Website: https://global.iu.edu Campus: All Campuses
Molly Fisher Director, Mexico Gateway Department: Global Gateways Office: Office of the Vice President for International Affairs Phone: +52 55 5622 6666 ext. 82289 Email: fishermk@iu.edu Website: https://global.iu.edu Campus: All Campuses
Roy Hooper Interim Managing Director of International AdvancementDirector of Global Engagement Department: International PartnershipsGlobal Gateways Office: Indiana University Alumni Association Phone: 812-856-7260 Email: rthooper@indiana.edu Website: https://alumni.iu.edu/ Campus: All Campuses
Yiwei JIA Program Assistant, East Asia Gateway Department: Global Gateways Office: Office of the Vice President for International Affairs Phone: +86 10 5094 9079 Email: jiayiw@iu.edu Website: https://global.iu.edu Campus: All Campuses
Ethan Michelson, Ph.D. Academic Director, East Asia Gateway Department: Global Gateways Office: Office of the Vice President for International Affairs Phone: 812-856-1521 Email: emichels@indiana.edu Website: https://global.iu.edu Campus: All Campuses
Samuel Obeng Academic Director, Ghana Gateway Department: Global Gateways Office: Office of the Vice President for International Affairs Phone: Email: sobeng@indiana.edu Website: https://global.iu.edu Campus: All Campuses
Abigail Opong-Tetteh Program Manager, Ghana Gateway Department: Global Gateways Office: Office of the Vice President for International Affairs Phone: Email: amtetteh@iu.edu Website: https://global.iu.edu/presence/gateways/ghana/index.html Campus: All Campuses
Faridah Pawan, Ph.D. Academic Director, ASEAN Gateway Department: Global Gateways Office: Office of the Vice President for International Affairs Phone: 812-856-8274 Email: fpawan@indiana.edu Website: https://global.iu.edu Campus: All Campuses
Roberta Pergher Academic Director, Europe Gateway Department: Global Gateways Office: Office of the Vice President for International Affairs Phone: 812-855-4151 Email: rpergher@indiana.edu Website: https://global.iu.edu Campus: All Campuses
Wanlaya (Koi) Pittayapitak Program Assistant, ASEAN Gateway Department: Global Gateways Office: Office of the Vice President for International Affairs Phone: Email: wapitta@iu.edu Website: https://global.iu.edu Campus: All Campuses
Quetzalli Sánchez Clavel Academic and Administrative Coordinator, Mexico Gateway Department: Global Gateways Office: Office of the Vice President for International Affairs Phone: Email: qclavel@iu.edu Website: https://global.iu.edu Campus: All Campuses
Zafeena Suresh Director, India Gateway Department: Global Gateways Office: Office of the Vice President for International Affairs Phone: +91 11 45654137 Email: zsuresh@iu.edu Website: https://global.iu.edu Campus: All Campuses
Minu Thomas Program Manager, India Gateway Department: Global Gateways Office: Office of the Vice President for International Affairs Phone: +91 11 45654137 Email: minuthom@iu.edu Website: https://global.iu.edu Campus: All Campuses
Paige Thomas Associate Director of Global Engagemnt Department: International PartnershipsGlobal Gateways Office: Indiana University Alumni Association Phone: +(317) 274 5025 Email: palethom@iu.edu Website: https://alumni.iu.edu/ Campus: All Campuses
Annabell Türk Assistant Director, Europe Gateway Department: Global Gateways Office: Office of the Vice President for International Affairs Phone: +49 30 6980 78847 Email: atuerk@iu.edu Website: https://global.iu.edu Campus: All Campuses
Katrin Völkner Director, Europe Gateway Department: Global Gateways Office: Office of the Vice President for International Affairs Phone: +49 30 6980 78847 Email: voelkner@iu.edu Website: https://global.iu.edu Campus: All Campuses